Friday, January 25, 2019

Annual Letter to Advent

To the saints of Advent,

I’m excited.  We have a chance to do a new thing.  Thanks to the good work and undefended hearts of so many: our Bishop, his Canons Schuster-Weltner and Thompson-Quartey, vestry members -- both current and those rotating off -- parishioners and non-parishioners we can look ahead without fear but with confidence and hope.

Our recent past has been hard and it has changed us.  Changed and blessed us with a vestry of 6 careful, spiritually mature people who believe that God loves us and abides with us in all that we do in faith. 

Even in the face of challenge we are blessed, repeatedly and constantly.

I am grateful beyond measure for the blessing of the strong institutional sense and active leadership of Terry Blum as our Senior Warden.  At every step with our Bishop’s Canons and consultants she was informed and ready to forward their work to its best result. 

Our blessings are constant even as they include the closing of Alicia Ramfos’ and Rick Crown’s terms of service on our vestry.  Their commitment is exemplary and their gifts will be hard to replace.  

One surprise blessing has been in the service of Debbie Permar as she joined the vestry through appointment and is continuing to serve by finishing the terms of two who resigned.  Debbie has also stepped up to continue the work of our much beloved and greatly missed Ginger Kroeber as registrar. 

Another blessing was the “future charting” gift of “The Madisonian.”  The clear donation of Vicki Mooney’s beautifully renovated and restored property has added an unexpected dimension to our lives in community.  

Let me not fail to mention the careful and conscientious work lead by Terry and our newly formed Financial Advancement Committee that helped us to incorporate this addition.  The process has reminded us of the value of all those offering opportunities beyond our pledges and volunteerism. 

As the new Rectory indicates a future we are just learning to consider let me mention a few other items on the chart of what’s ahead. 

Tim Pridgen and others have been keeping before us the question of how we will best be “Aging in Place.”  The conversation is expanding and new connections and possibilities make the coming year an exciting consideration. 

OJ Booker has adopted our website and is expanding it to provide better communication between each of us and to the world around us.  Thanks to Dan Jubelt for his years of support in the past.

Holly Schreiner has stepped up to follow Sue Baldwin as treasurer.  Thanks to Sue for caring so deeply for our fiscal operation in the interim.

And those are just the highlights of this life of blessing and opportunity.  There are immeasurable ways in which each member has added to our lives through our guilds and through individual volunteering.  Just think bread, grass, flowers, food, worship . . . etc.

All of these blessings and opportunities come by way of God’s abiding love of us, are reflected in our care for each other and will be sustained in a love that is spilling out each day we work for the sake of others.

That’s why I’m excited.  There is still love and God continues to bless us in it. 

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