Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Global Manifestation #4: One apostle at a time.

And I'm thinking about that guy throwing starfish back into the ocean.  Here's the short version: guy on the beach tossing starfish back into the water.  Friend asks, "why are you doing that?"  Guy says, "helping them stay alive." Friend says "there's too many for you to throw them all back."  Guy says as he tosses another into the water, "helped that one."

Pretty soon we'll enjoy the presence of Assisting Bishop Don Wimberly.  On the Second Sunday in Lent February 18, he will visit us to lead worship and to confirm, receive, reaffirm our candidates for such.

In our polity, Bishops “R” us  They are present when we bring in new and returning adult baptized persons because that entrance is not just to the parish of Advent-Madison but to the whole denomination and to the "One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church" and for the sake of the whole world.

We still account for "members" without a bishop's "laying on of hands."  That's because at the parish level "baptised members" matter.  We still account using attendance for prayer and communion as well because at both parish and church-wide levels "communicants" matter, too!  We invite everyone to pledge and you know why that matters.

Confirmation/Reception/Reaffirmation matter in a way reflective of a "bishop centered context."  When visiting, a bishop lays hands on and prays for each candidate and the prayer always mentions the role of the Holy Spirit and each member's new relationship to the Church.  Each candidate is addressed one at a time.  This gesturing is an extension of the act that makes each bishop another minister in "apostolic succession."  A chain of "hands on heads" all the way back to Peter.

Our polity is "episcopal" -- Bishops “R” Us -- because the rest of christendom AND the whole world matter, too.  When a bishop confirms or receives or reaffirms it is because of how God is manifesting God's self -- Christ Jesus -- into the world; one candidate at a time so that in return we each can pledge to join that larger apostolic movement of the Church into the world. I once heard a story about a bishop in Africa stopping for tea because there were so many candidates.  Another story recalls deacons holding up the arms of the bishop because he was so fatigued.  Whether hundreds or just one or two, each person is welcomed and empowered.

If you're still reading please take a minute to consider how you are accounted.  Maybe it's time for you to be presented to the Bishop.  It's not too late.  Certainly you can throw starfish back without being listed under ANY title in the official parish register.  Even Jesus said "I have other sheep that do not belong to this fold. I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice. So there will be one flock, one shepherd." (John 10:16) 

But we're not just lost sheep or starfish.  Our polity and accounting mean something about how we intend to turn to the world.   Once we are "in," once the bishop's hand are no longer blessing our heads it is our turn to see to it that ours is still a "One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church." 

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